Ich hatte das Vergnügen mit Carina im Rahmen ihres „Now-me“ Coaching Programms zusammenzuarbeiten und es war eine absolut wunderbare und transformative Reise. Carina ist nicht nur kompetenten und unglaublich sympathisch sondern auch geduldig und emphatisch. Sie hat eine vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre geschaffen in der es mir leicht gefallen ist mich zu öffnen.
Ich hatte mich in meinen verschiedenen Rollen als Mama und Co. ein Stück weit selbst verloren. Durch die Zusammenarbeit habe ich mich quasi wiedergefunden und mit vielen Erkenntnissen in nahezu allen Lebensbereichen einen Fahrplan entwickelt mit dem ich jetzt viel zufriedener und zuversichtlicher bin.
Die Zusammenarbeit mit Carina ist eine absolute Herzensempfehlung für jeden, der sich weiterentwickeln und sein Potenzial ausschöpfen möchte. Wenn du also darüber nachdenkst mit Carina zu arbeiten, dann zögere nicht und buche dir einen Virtual Coffee Termin mit ihr :)
Nina Berson | Hamburg
"A collegue refered Carina to me . I struggled with unhealthy food and not taking care about myself. I was in a prison of my own daily life.
From the very first moment Carina made it very easy to talk about uncomfortable topics. She has a unique way in breaking down complicated problems , and helped me to find useful solutions.
After an intense coaching start we now meet once a month.
I can only recommend her as a coach and mentor."
Brendon W. | Singapore
"I was stuck in a mindset where I could not see what I needed to see. Carina helped me to see and guided me to take action in my life and this has created an unstoppable force in me.
Carina is very creative in her coaching style that expands your mind and inspires positive outcomes.
She has the ability to identify core restrictions and help you work through them.
She is an incredible coach whom I would recommend to anyone.
Ursula Pfafferott | Weifang | China
"Working with Carina as my coach has been an extraordinary experience. From the beginning, she effortlessly created a warm and inviting space that allowed me to speak about anything without hesitation. Thanks to her support and brilliant questions, I was able to come face-to-face with some strained relationship issues that I have been trying to avoid for a long time. Having Carina as a coach gave me the self-reflection that I needed to push me forward in strengthening my relationship with my partner and my mother. Working with her, I can honestly say that I am so much more confident in who I am in relationships with my family, friends, and myself. You won't regret working with her at all!!"
Jenn Chow | Osaka | Japan
I recently worked with Carina for an ELI assessment with my team. My experience with her coaching style was nothing short of exceptional.
What stood out most was Carina's blend of empathy and directness in her approach. She possesses a unique ability to connect on a personal level, yet remains straightforward and focused on the goal. This combination not only put us at ease but also encouraged an open and honest dialogue.
The insights we gained from the ELI assessment were very interesting. Despite the diverse personalities within our team, Carina facilitated an environment where every member felt comfortable to open up and share.
It was amazing to see the dynamics within our team unfold and become clear. Carina's guidance helped us understand each other's perspectives better and brought to light areas we need to work on as a team.
I highly recommend Carina's services to any team looking to gain deeper insights into their dynamics and improve how they work together. Her ability to cater to different personalities and bring out the best in each team member is a rare and invaluable skill.
Scott R. | Melbourne
"Every reiki session with Carina was so relaxing, empowering, and inspiring.
Carina is one of the most intuitive people I know.
She is super sensitive to channel with lots of energy. She also has strong feelings about futures.
She is super powerful energetically.
The sessions with Carina helped me to remove deep layers about doubting myself. After the sessions, I can trust myself deeply. Together with the coaching after each reiki, it helped my body release the blockages from my childhood.
I feel more love and freedom in my heart with Reiki.
I would highly recommend Carina to anyone who wants to seek more freedom in heart and life."
Crystal Guo | Shanghai | China
Ich habe mit Frau Hellmich ein ELI Assessment druchgeführt.
Besonders beeindruckt hat mich, wie einfach Carina Hellmich es mir gemacht hat, mich zu öffnen. Sie hat eine sehr klare und direkte Art, die gleichzeitig sehr auf den Menschen eingeht.
Das ELI Assessment selbst war eine ganz neue Erfahrung für mich. Es war faszinierend zu entdecken, wie ich in bestimmten Situationen, vor allem unter Stress, reagiere. Diese Erkenntnisse waren anders als alles, was ich bisher erlebt hatte, und haben mir tiefe Einblicke in meine Verhaltensweisen und Reaktionsmuster gegeben.
Das Assessment hat mir nicht nur im Berufsleben, sondern auch persönlich geholfen.
Ich kann Frau Hellmichs Coaching und das ELI Assessment jedem nur empfehlen.
Simon G. | Düsseldorf